OK, it's done. I held out as long as I could, but I finally HAD to give in to its seductive powers. I'm totally in love and like any new relationship we're spending as much time together as we can. A few frustrations - including the 6 hours I spent last night into the (not so) early morning fighting with it and trying to smooth out the relationship between another big part of my life, before finally figuring out how to make things work between them.
We're all happy together now, my new
iPhone, home wifi, and me. Long may we hold this menage a trois!
(And if I never have to read another Mac or iPhone help forum, I'll be a very happy camper!)
I do take the fact that I held out for so many months as a good sign of my impulse control. Although everyone who heard me salivating about it on and on for months may have wished I'd given in sooner :-)
I haven't tried the phone myself, but good on you for waiting and then enjoying your new purchase. Hope it's fun to use.
Thanks C.A.! I'm having a blast with it. Totally worth waiting for and (almost) lives up to the hype! :-)
You know that I had such high hopes for you!!!!!!!! Your first set of lines made me think this was actual physical love like your father has been praying for on your behalf ......... sigh .......how can you be soooo cruel? FIND A MAN AND SHARE THE DETAILS ..... I WANT TO EAT WEDDING CAKE ....... sigh
Not ROFL - now don't YOU start cuz! I thought you'd be sympathetic to me rather than bring up the dreaded memory of daddy's public pleading/prayer/speech :-)
The problem with finding a man is keeping him... sigh. Just went through that recently and not sure I'm up to dealing with the ego-smash again anytime soon :-(
Hmmm, some Jamaican wedding cake would taste good just about now! Thankfully, Christmas is just around the corner so we'll get everything but the icing.
Though to think of it, you're right cuz. The fact that my big passion right now is an inanimate object (admittedly one that lets me call, text, play games, read books, and surf the internet), is a sad statement on my love life. Sigh again...
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