Here's the not-so-good part, and one my caucasian friends probably won't get the inherent drama of. Last night I girded my loins and walked into a hair salon to get my hair done. (Here you'll have to close your eyes and imagine scary music playing in the background while the black character in the horror movie screams, "No! Don't go into the basement!", just before he buys it big time. The black guy also gets killed off first, right? Sort of like red shirt on Star Trek). Anyway, it was either take the plunge or give in to the incipient afro action that was taking place on the top of my head!
The good news is they didn't fry my hair and no major breakage has occurred in the last 24 hours. The bad news is that, despite my being assured by several other customers that this was "the best black hair salon in Cork", the owner went on to a) gush about how beautiful and unusually nice my hair is (mine?!), b) voice her hope that she can someday travel to the U.S. to learn how they do hair so well over there, and c) complain that black (African) women in Cork don't take care of their hair and so she's thinking of giving up stocking supplies for them altogether! What.....?! This does not bode well for my future hair health, I'm thinking. I might have to go back to the idea of doing a regular jaunt into Dublin after all. Surely the capital city of this country would have some hairdressers who are on par with the U.S. Surely?!
Lets hope so! I'll keep my fingers crossed and my eyes open...
Thanks Beth!
Ah tellyou Cuz ........ do it yourself!!!!!!!!!
Are you crazy?! Me, putting chemicals on my own hair? I'll be lucky if it all doesn't break off right away! Certain things I'll leave up to the "professionals".
Are you still living here in Ireland if so where is that hair dresser in Cork located and what's the name and address of hair dressers for black hair located. We live in Naas, Kildare.
Stumbled across this blog...
Recently moved to Cork myself and depserately hunting for an afro hair dresser... HELP please?
Sorry it's taken so long to see and respond to your comment. I've actually been transitioning back to my natural hair since December, so am not seeing my hairdresser anymore. She's been making some changes herself, so I'm not sure how much she's working, but I can definitely give you her contact info if you'll send me a direct email.
Hello, I know this is an old post, but was wondering since you said you made a jaunt into Dublin, which hairdresser did you go to? Or do you know any good salons today for african american hair. I typically get a perm every 6-8 weeks. I am moving to Dublin end of year, and am quite concerned I won't find a suitable hair dresser.
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