Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Just My Luck

I finally got in to see my new "female doctor" on Monday, after waiting for five months for an appointment. No, don't turn away! You're wrong, this is NOT another whiney post about the ups and downs of the medical system here in Ireland. It's a whiney post about the ridiculousness of my life.

What do I find when I get in there? My doctor is gorgeous, young (about my age), SINGLE (at least no ring), and has a beautiful British accent.

The perfect man turns out to be my GYN. Why does the universe hate me?!


Rhona said...

That was hilarious!

Niamh Griffin said...

o no! I'm guessing the universe has a great sense of humour!

Gloria said...

Oh, I so LAUGHED when I read your post!!! So glad I found you!!! . and. . I'm now your fifteenth follower.

I'm an expat from London living my life in Spain. I've just started a blog so perhaps you'll visit me when you have a moment . . and maybe you'll be my follower number 12??

Sirmelja said...

Yep Niamh, and I'm the butt of the joke! Oh well, if you can't laugh at yourself... you just leave room for others to :-)

Glad to "meet" you Gloria! I really liked your blog and will definitely be back.